Get this song from KI De Ultimate titled Oluaye in Berlin
The song “Oluaye in Berlin” is an impressive song that will worth a place in your playlist.
Use the link below to stream and download Oluaye in Berlin by KI De Ultimate
Ilu berlin lawayiootagbenjo , Ambali omo adetunji, berlin lawa tagbenjoo , Mo gbe fujide ayinde ade, mo gborin fuji ga wasiumio berlin lawa tagbenjooo , Iya omooo, iya omoo kilofomoreo, tounfiku shereo, iibepe tiolese lomigunoo, Omomi ajobi mi morufu, omomi alabimi gbadebo, omomi ajobi bimobadele Bimorowo ma dasho fomomio komu shoge, gbeee, gbee si bebe dio komushoge
, Dr omo gbolahan omo anifowoshe oori, Eku oriire ayindeade, Gbogbo oni fuji patapata oluaye fuji lonkiyinoo , Oluaye fuji lonkiyin oo, Berlin lawa