Get this song from Kelly Khumalo titled Uthando.
Kelly Khumalo (born November 11, 1984) is a South African singer, actress and dancer. Born and raised in Nquthu, KwaZulu-Natal, she was discovered while performing at gospel talent search and signed a record deal with Bomsai Entertainment, released her debut studio album T.K.O (2005).
Use the link below to stream and download Uthando by Kelly Khumalo.
Lyrics For Uthando by Kelly Khumalo
Awu yeheni, awu yeheni, awu yeheni!
Awu yeheni, awu yeheni, awu yeheni!
Sengize ngathol’ uthando, awu we baba
Mkhwenyana leth’ inkomo, awu we baba
Sengize ngathol’ uthando, awu we baba
Mkhwenyana leth’ inkomo, awu we baba
Zangen’ inkomo kwaKhumalo
Awu isi yemeyem. Awu yelele babo
Uyathath’ umakoti namhlanje
Awu isiyeme yem. Awu yelele babo
Sengize ngathol’ uthando, awu we baba
Mkhwenyana leth’ inkomo, awu we baba
Bamenyiwe bonk’ omkhelwane (webaba)
Kuzokikizwa, kikizwa laph’ ekhaya
Bakhona bonke nabomndeni
Uthando namhlanje lungumanqoba
Ngithol’ indoda emadodeni
Wangenz’ umuntu namhlanje
Awu yelele heh heh
Ngibizw’ umakoti nmhlanje
Awu isiyem yem, awu yelele babo
Sengize ngathol’ uthando, awu we baba
Mkhwenyana leth’ inkomo, awu we baba
Awu yeheni, ngathol’ umendo namhlanje
Bajabul’ abakithi namhlanje
Sengize ngathol’ uthando, awu we baba
Mkhwenyana leth’ inkomo, awu we baba
Sengize ngathol’ uthando, awu we baba
Mkhwenyana leth’ inkomo, awu we baba
Sengize ngathol’ uthando, awu we baba
Mkhwenyana leth’ inkomo, awu we baba