Get this song from Anthony Evans titled Let It Rain.
Anthony Evans is an American Christian singer and songwriter, he was born on July 14, 1978, in Dallas, Texas, the United States.
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Lyrics for Let It Rain by Anthony Evans
Anthony Evans – Let It Rain Lyrics
Artist: Anthony Evans
Album: The Bridge
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Track “Anthony Evans”
on Bandsintown
We feel the rains of your love
We feel the winds of your spirit
Now the heartbeat of heaven, let us hear
We feel the rains of your love
We feel the winds of your spirit
Now the heartbeat of heaven, let us hear
We feel the rains of your love
We feel the winds of your spirit
Now the heartbeat of heaven, let us hear
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain
We feel the rains of your love
We feel the winds of your spirit
Now the heartbeat of heaven, let us hear
We feel the rains of your love
We feel the winds of your spirit
Now the heartbeat of heaven, let us hear
We feel the rains of your love
We feel the winds of your spirit
Now the heartbeat of heaven, let us hear
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain,
Open the floodgates of heaven,
The floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven,
The floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain
Open the floodgates of heaven,
The floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain